Payday loan licensee: authority to conduct other business expanded [Sec. 3443f-m] [vetoed] - Act 55
Antique snowmobile registration revisions re valid period and trail use sticker [Sec. 4356, 4357, 9332 (1)] - Act 55
Recreation vehicle registration and regulation revisions; hunting, trapping, and fishing approval and regulation revisions; place of trial for certain fish and game law violations; DNR duties and electronic system for accessing approvals and certificates; enforcement, penalty, and emergency rule provisions - Act 89
Supplemental snowmobile trail aids: insufficient funding revision [Sec. 4359m] [vetoed] - Act 55
social securitySocial security
UI law: unemployment program integrity fund sunset repealed; concurrent receipt of UI and SSDI or WC modified; administrative and judicial review of UI decisions; and various other changes - Act 334
soldier _ educationSoldier -- Education, see Veteran -- Education
soldier _ reliefSoldier -- Relief, see Veteran -- Relief
solicitor generalSolicitor general, see Attorney General
solid waste managementSolid waste management, see also Recycling
Local levy limit covered service exception for political subdivisions that own and operate a landfill [Sec. 1986f, 9329 (3c)] - Act 55
Proof of financial responsibility of landfill owner: escrow account and irrevocable trust options revised, corporate bonds provisions - Act 50
southeastern wisconsin fox river commissionSoutheastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission for the Illinois Fox River basin: jurisdiction expanded, board of commissioners modified, and other administration changes - Act 226
speech_language pathologistSpeech-language pathologist, see Trades and occupations
sprinkler systemSprinkler system, see Fire
ssdi _social security disability income_SSDI (Social security disability income), see Social security
stamp salesStamp sales, see Sales
state agenciesState agencies, see also specific agency or department
DOA duties for state agency real property lease and renewal revised [Sec. 356q, r] [vetoed] - Act 55
DOR may charge debtors a collection fee re debt collected for state agencies [Sec. 2463] - Act 55
DVA: appropriation for funds received from other state agencies [Sec. 771m, n] - Act 55
Federal resource acquisition revisions [Sec. 419b, 776m] - Act 55
GPR and PR appropriation lapses from the 2013-15 fiscal biennium (2013 WisAct 20) extended into the 2016-17 fiscal year [Sec. 4749] - Act 55
Inactive boards and councils repealed; assets, property, contracts, and pending matters provisions for certain councils and board [Sec. 77m, 93m, 100m, 108g-r, 120g, r, 125m, 126m, 148m-161m, 203p-211p, 222m, 247m, 254b-x, 272f, 320m, 328m, 396d-417r, 634m, 797m, 990r, 1065m, 1308k, m, 1700m, 2530v-2531w, 2724m, 2725m, 3482m, 3582r, 4109b, 4416g-4467r, 9101 (10j), (10k)] - Act 55
Information technology services for certain agencies and shared agency services pilot program: DOA to develop plan and submit to JCF [Sec. 9101 (5n)] [partial veto] - Act 55
LAB authority to access all state agency documents clarified; GAB to provide investigatory records to LAB - Act 2
Postage appropriation in DOA for state agency costs [Sec. 789] - Act 55
Property rights regulation revisions re local government restrictions on sale, purchase, development, or occupancy of real property and individual notice requirements; vested rights; shoreland zoning; resolution of challenge to zoning restrictions; supermajority vote to down zone a property; content of economic impact analysis of proposed administrative rules; standard for judicial review of certain state agency actions and decisions; and DNR and DATCP contested case hearings - Act 391
State agency biennial budget request requirements modified re state operations budget - Act 201
State agency budget requests modified [Sec. 272d, h, i] [vetoed] - Act 55
Unfunded retirement liability debt service: DOA may require state agencies to pay directly to state in lieu of lapsing or transferring an amount to the general fund; employees of the former UWHC Board provision added [Sec. 293d-p] [vetoed] - Act 55
Wisconsin Veterans Employment Initiative established to increase number of veterans holding permanent state government positions; Council on Veterans Employment created in the Office of the Governor; state agencies and DPM duties - Act 386
state bankState bank, see Bank
state capitolState capitol
100th Anniversary State Capitol Commemoration Committee: JCLO to establish [Sec. 9127 (1j)] [vetoed] - Act 55
Seasonal placement of a Christmas tree in the Capitol rotunda or a church: prohibiting promulgation or enforcement of a DSPS rule and enactment or enforcement of an ordinance re fire safety - Act 333
state courts, director ofState Courts, Director of
Electronic juvenile court records made available to a county department of human or social services re child welfare or juvenile justice intake or dispositional services; CCAP provision - Act 144
GPR appropriations consolidated re circuit court, Director of State Courts, and State Law Library; costs imposed on operator of aircraft under the influence or with prohibited BAC [Sec. 752, 778, 782, 829-847, 4598-4603, 4616, 4618, 4631, 4735, 4746, 9307 (1), 9407 (1f), (2f)] - Act 55
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: date of legal holiday changed (remedial legislation) - Act 198
state debtState debt, see Debt, Public
state employeeState employee, see Public employee, and its subheadings
state employment relations, office ofState Employment Relations, Office of
OSER restructured into Division of Personnel Management in DOA; DMRS restructured into Bureau of Merit Recruitment and Selection in the Division of Personnel Management; appointment to GIB provision [Sec. 14-17, 105d, 116-119, 121, 125, 135, 136d, 236, 240, 262-269, 275, 464, 813-822, 884-902, 916, 918, 919, 927, 930, 933, 1136, 1391-1398, 1400, 1407, 1408, 1465, 1627, 1830, 1909, 2103, 2481, 2484, 3139, 3148-3154, 3162, 3167-3172, 3585, 3596, 3623-3662, 3667, 3674-3710, 3711-3777, 3780-3796, 3798, 3805, 3810, 4225, 4253, 4326, 4713, 4742, 9112 (1c), 9140 (1)] [105d, 136d, 9112 (1c) -- vetoed] - Act 55
state landState land, see Public land
state law libraryState Law Library, see Supreme Court
state lotteryState lottery, see Lottery
state office buildingState office building
DOA duties for state agency real property lease and renewal revised [Sec. 356q, r] [vetoed] - Act 55
DOT building replacement in City of Madison is not subject to municipal zoning ordinance or regulation [Sec. 44b, m] [vetoed] - Act 55
state parkState park, see also Forestry
Campground and state park and trail fees revised; DNR study on additional revenue for state parks required [Sec. 1037e, g, 1038e, g, 1046b-j, 3580m, 9132 (4f), 9432 (2f)] - Act 55
State park and forest roads and roads along LWSR funding [Sec. 640g, r, 2569m] - Act 55
State park vehicle admission sticker fees increased [Sec. 1037, 1038, 1039, 1040] - Act 55
state patrolState patrol, see Traffic officer
state prisonState prison, see Prison
state public defenderState Public Defender, see Public defender
state registrarState Registrar, see Vital statistics
state superintendent of public instructionState Superintendent of Public Instruction
Microsoft IT Academy coordinator: Superintendent of Public Instruction to designate [Sec. 3186g] - Act 55
Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program for first class cities created; commissioner, advisory council, and county executive duties specified; transfer of schools to the program; surplus property and sale of school buildings provisions [Sec. 63m, 64m, 66d-67r, 567m, 1389f, 1907p, 1923m, 1948f, p, 1966m, 3184p, r, 3229r, s, 3245s, 3248h, 3266h, m, o, 3358b-w, 3384c-3386t, 3387n, 3391dm, 3483g, r, 4702r, 9334 (3j)] [3387n -- partial veto] - Act 55
Remedial courses in English and math: UW System required to report on high schools with graduates who, based on placement tests, are required to take; Superintendent of Public Instruction duties - Act 28
School accountability report performance categories replaced with letter grades and other revisions; Superintendent of Public Instruction duties revised; UW--Madison Value-Added Research Center to approve alternative examinations a school may consider; waiver requirement and JCF duties [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under “School – Evaluation and testing”] - Act 55
Virtual marketplace for digital educational resources: Superintendent of Public Instruction to enter into contracts for and DPI to host [Sec. 560m, 3193s] [vetoed] - Act 55
state trunk highway _sth_State trunk highway (STH), see Road
state trust fundState trust fund, see Trust fund
Health insurance mandate statute: definition modified and social and financial impact report by OCI requirements - Act 288
statutes _ revisionStatutes -- Revision, see also Recodification